New Sentara Wellness Center Aims to Enhance Community Health

Sentara Wellness Center downtown Charlottesville

Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital is expanding its services. A new Community Health and Wellness Center is being built in downtown Charlottesville, at 920 East High Street.

“We wanted to bring a space that is going to be social cohesion for the community,” Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Community Benefits Manager Tameka Irving said.

In the new location, services that will be offered include free fitness classes, enhanced mental health services, and routine care.

There will also be classrooms and a community hub with resources such as food and WIFI for those coming in.

“If there’s people that go to the clinic, and they need, you know, food or have other issues, we have a passive food pantry that will be located there,” Irving said.

The Hospital says while there are a lot of exciting things planned for the space, there is also room for some new possibilities.

“As we identify those priorities and talk more to different populations and different groups of the community, it allows us to be able to have a new focus to maybe create some new programming,” Irving said.

The plan for Community Health Center Charlottesville is to open the new center by the beginning of 2025.

We hope it will be the same positive reaction to Brockton Hospital, where there was a big fire in February 2023.