What Are the Main Causes of Mortality in Missouri?

Image Showing Missouri Highlighted on A U.S. Map, Representing Mortality in Missouri

The state of Missouri faces significant health challenges, reflected in its mortality rates. In recent years, causes of mortality in Missouri have contributed to the leading causes of death, impacting the overall life expectancy. These conditions, along with unintentional injuries, chronic lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and respiratory infections, paint a comprehensive … Read more

8 Eye-Opening Statistics on Mental Health Disorders in Adolescents

A Sad Teenage Girl Sitting with Her Knees Drawn Up, Alongside an Illustration of Hands Holding a Brain, Symbolizing Mental Health Disorders in Adolescents

Teen mental health is a growing concern, with significant challenges affecting this age group. About 1 in 5 teens experience a mental health disorder each year, making it a widespread issue. Anxiety disorders are especially common, with nearly 1 in 3 teens being diagnosed. Depression, too, impacts many adolescentsโ€”around 1 in 8, with girls being … Read more

Top 5 Causes of Cardiovascular Diseases: Statistical Insights

Top Causes of Cardiovascular Diseases Statistical Insights

TLDR: Obesity: Leads to conditions increasing CVD risk. Diabetes Mellitus: Greatly raises the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. Hypertension: Causes severe heart and blood vessel damage. Sedentary Lifestyle: Doubles the risk of heart disease. Tobacco Use: Significantly increases the chance of developing CVD. 1. Obesity Obesity is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases. According … Read more